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Click-and-collect: A competitive advantage for your business

25 Novembre 2021 • Rafaël Côté-Rioux • Commercial

Expedibox doesn’t only operate for residential packages! Indeed, Expedibox is a platform that makes it possible to operate several logistical solutions outside of residential parcels! One of the many benefits of using Expedibox’s smart lockers is for your business, and it lies in “click-and-collect”! 

Your customers can place orders online or over the phone, you then prepare the order, drop it in one of your company’s Expedibox smart boxes, your customer receives a unique code and comes to pick up his order whenever he wants, 24 hours a day, at his convenience and without having to be received by a clerk! 

Whether you’re a pharmacy, a retail store, or any other type of business, Expedibox helps you make life easier not only for your customers, but also for you while reducing your daily operating costs by about 15%! It’s a positive experience for the consumer, while being an economical solution for your business! As a merchant, with “click-and-collect”, you don’t need a box for the product (a bag is enough), you save the shipping costs (which run an average of $12 per package) and you also free your employees from the time required for packaging, the printing of delivery labels and temporary storage of parcels before delivery! 

Several experts say that click-and-collect will grow exponentially in the coming years. Indeed, according to a Canada Post study, 30% of consumers said they would use click-and-collect more than before and 44% said they would use as much as before! 

Why not join the movement? Contact us for more information on how Expedibox can help your business!

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